Belgium: Employers' organisations : Little is generally written about the organisation and functions of employers' associations, perhaps because it is often thought that the interests of employers are so homogeneous as to make their representation relatively straightforward. Whatever the truth of the matter in other countries, in Belgium a degree of tension between the various organisations is one of the features that make an analysis of these organisations worthwhile

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Veröffentlicht in:European Industrial Relations Review ((1989) Nr.187 S.24-26)
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Großbritannien, 08.1989
Klassifikation:331.882 Arbeitgeberverbände
331.6 Arbeitsmarktpolitik
331.2 Lohnpolitik
331.116 Tarifverträge
Zugänglichkeit:Medien der SOWIDOK sind nur vor Ort in der AK Bibliothek Wien zugänglich
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