Forschungsberichte / Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche : = Research reports / The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies

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VerfasserIn: Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Wien, 1971-2003
Erscheinungsverlauf:1.1971 - 294.2003
Vorgänger:Bis 1972 u.d.T.: Österreichisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung / Abteilung Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche: Forschungsberichte der Abteilung Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
Nachfolger:Später u.d.T.: Wiener Institut für Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche:WIIW research reports
  • Teilw. mit engl. Hauptsachtitel u. dt. Paralleltitel. - Teilw. nur mit d. engl. Hauptsacht.: WIIW research reports
  • Urheber bis 7.1972: Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Abteilung Internationale Wirtschaftsvergleiche
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Titel Jahr Ausgabe Band
The Russian oil and gas sector : facing the new challenges 2003 294
Transition countries resist global slowdown : productivity gains offset effects of appreciation 2003 293
Comparison of tax burdens 2002 292
Competitive economic performance : USA versus EU 2002 291
EU enlargement : economic impacts on Austria and the five acceding Central European countries 2002 290
The services sectors in Central and Eastern Europe 2002 289
Macroeconomic and sectoral aspects of Hungary's international competitiveness and trade performance on EU markets 2002 288
Restructuring through FDI in Romanian manufacturing 2002 287
The CEECs in the enlarged Europe : convergence patterns, specialization and labour market implications 2002 286
Transition countries in 2002 : losing steam 2002 285
Recent impacts of foreign direct investment on growth and restructuring in Central European transition countries 2002 284
Transition countries face up to global stagnation : is it catching? 2002 283
Trade structures, quality differentiation and technical barriers in CEE-EU trade 2002 282
External constraints on sustainable growth in transition countries 2001 281
EU enlargement : economic impacts on Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia 2001 280
Patterns of catching-up in candidate countries' manufacturing industry 2001 279
Competitiveness of CEE industries : evidence from foreign trade specialization and quality indicators 2001 278
Transition countries in 2001 : robust domestic demand, concerns about external fragility reappear 2001 277
Prospects for developments in South-East Europe 2001 Reprinted 276
The transition economies : externally conditioned improvements in 2000, slowdowns and adjustments likely in 2001 and 2002 2001 275
Trade in services in the Central and East European countries 2001 274
Recent FDI trends, policies and challenges in South-East European countries 2000 273
Competitiveness of agriculture in the CEFTA countries and the impact on Austria : (English summary) 2000 272,eng
Economic strategy for South Eastern Europe : final report of EWI Economic Task Force for South Eastern Europe 2000 Repr. 271
EU Eastern enlargement : the case of the former "second-wave" applicant countries 2000 270
Structural change in the transition economies, 1989 to 1999 2000 269
International competitiveness impacts of FDI in CEECs 2000 268
Delaying integration : the impact of EU eastern enlargement on individual CEECs not acceding or acceding only later 2000 267
The transition countries in early 2000 : improved outlook for growth, but unemployment is still rising 2000 266
Fiscal policy under a currency board arrangement : Bulgaria's post-crisis policy dilemmas 2000 265
Measurement of costs and benefits of accession to the European Union for selected countries in Central and Eastern Europe 2000 263
Transition countries clamber aboard the business boom in Western Europe : upswing masks persistent transition-related problems 2000
Non-tradable goods and deviations between purchasing power parities and exchange rates : evidence from the 1990 European comparison project 1999 262
Slovakia : challenges on the path towards integration 1999 261
Romania's economic competitiveness and EU trade integration 1999 260
Apportionment and succession of external debts : the case of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 1999 259
Agriculture in transition : widening gap between the CEECs and Russia and Ukraine 1999 258
The transition countries in 1999 : a further weakening of growth and some hopes for later recovery 1999 257
Measurement of costs and benefits of accession to the EU for selected CEECs : country report Slovenia 1999 256
Trade performance of East European producers on EU markets : an assessment of product quality 1999 255
Transition countries in 1998/99 : widespread economic slowdown with escalating structural problems 1999 253
Three essays on inflation 1999 252
Exchange rates and relative prices in Central and Eastern European countries : a systems and transactions cost approach 1999
Lessons from Austria's postwar pattern of inward FDI for CEECs 1998 251
EU Eastern enlargement : challenge and opportunity ; an overview of subject-related WIIW studies 1998 249
Transition countries in the first quarter 1998 : widening gap between fast and slow reformers 1998 248
Yugoslav economics facing reform and dissolution 1998 247
Agrarproduktion und -außenhandel der CEFTA-Länder 1986 - 2000 1998 246
Integration of CEEC manufacturing into European corporate structures via direct investment : Gábor Hunya 1998 245
Economic policy background to foreign direct investment in Hungary 1998 244
Transition countries : 1997 external deficits lower than feared, stability again a priority 1998 243
On the way to normality : the states on the territory of former Yugoslavia in the postwar period 1998
Growth, distribution and employment 1997 242
Macroeconomic problems of trade liberalization and EU eastern enlargement 1997 241
From theory into practice? : Corporate restructuring and economic dynamism in transition economies 1997 240
Transition countries outlook falters in 1997 : some stumble and recover, some have problems ahead 1997 239
European integration : the CEFTA and the Europe agreements 1997 237
Transition failures : anatomy of the Bulgarian crisis 1997 236
The development potential of foreign direct investment in the Slovenian economy 1997 235
Year-end 1996 : mixed results in the transition countries 1997 233
The Central and East European currency phenomenon reconsidered 1996 232
Exchange rates, competitiveness and labour costs in Central and Eastern Europe 1996 231
Emerging patterns of European industrial specialization : implication for labour market dynamics in Eastern and Western Europe 1996 230
Country reports : Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, FR Yugoslavia, and China 1996 229
Slower growth in Central and Eastern Europe, delayed stabilization in Russia and Ukraine 1996 228
Eastern enlargement of the European Union from a western and an eastern perspective 1996 227
Foreign direct investment in Hungary : a key element of economic modernization 1996 226
Continuing improvements in Central and Eastern Europe : Russia and Ukraine have not yet turned the corner / Leon Podkaminer ... 1996 225
Einkommen und Konsum im Prozeß der Wirtschaftstransformation der Visegrád-Länder (mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Polens) 1996 224
Issues in fiscal policy, inflation and public debt 1995 223
Balance-of-payments constrained growth in Central and Eastern Europe and scenarios of east-west integration 1995 222
Microeconomic adjustment in the transition to market economy : an overview of enterprise behaviour in Central and Eastern Europe 1995 221
Country reports : Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine 1995 220
Accelerated growth in Central and Eastern Europe, slower decline in Russia and Ukraine 1995 219
Economic growth and fiscal crisis in Central and Eastern Europe 1995 218
The experience of East European countries with different exchange-rate regimes 1995 217
Reconstruction of the monetary system and economic recovery of Yugoslavia, 1994 : analytical framework, results and problems 1995 216
Fiscal policy in post-war Austria : research project: theoretical investigation and empirical assessment of the impact of budget deficits on the economy 1995 215
Transformation of the transport and telecommunications infrastructure in East-Central Europe 1995 214
Transition countries: economic situation in 1994 and outlook 1995 213
The pattern of East-West European integration : catching up or falling behind? 1995 212
Bad enterprise debt in Bulgaria 1995 211
Devaluations in Poland : expectations and impacts 1994 210
Concepts for an industrial policy : the case of Slovenia 1994 209
Research project: Theoretical investigation and empirical assessment of the impact of budget deficits on the economy 1994 208
More solid recovery in Central and Eastern Europe, continuing decline elsewhere : transition economies: the economic situation in early 1994 and outlook until 1995 1994 207
Czech economists on transformation 1994 206
Constraints on growth : reports on Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary 1994 205
The economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe and the main CIS States in 1993 with an outlook for 1994 1994 204
The Czech economy : internal and external developments since 1989 and future options 1994 203
Ukraine's economy in sectoral and regional perspective 1993 202
Die Industrien Tschechiens und der Slowakei : Profile, Trends und Bezug zu Österreichs Industrie 1993 201
Transformation in progress: the external economic factor : two studies on Central and East European countries' foreign trade with a set of tables on East-West trade 1993 200
The Czech and Slovak economies after the split : a set of papers 1993 199
East-West trade under growing Western protectionism 1993 198
Under the impact of Western recession : the economic situation of the post-socialist countries in the first quarter of 1993 and outlook for 1993/94 1993 197b
Im Zeichen westlicher Rezession : die Wirtschaftslage der post-sozialistischen Länder im ersten Quartal 1993 und Ausblick 1993/94 1993 197a
Industrial policy and the transition in East-Central Europe 1993 196
After the agreement on free trade among the Visegrád Group countries : perspectives for intra-regional trade in East-Central Europe 1993 195
Energy markets in transition : the case of end user price changes in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland 1993 194
Foreign trade liberalization in the transition to the market economy 1993 193
Country reports / Ilse Grosser et. al. 1993 192
Overview 1993 191
Frictions in the economic transformation of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland 1993 190
Fiscal policy and effective demand during transformation 1993 189
Macroeconomic analysis of transformation in the CSFR 1993 188
Industrial policies for countries in transition? 1992 187
International experience with adjustment programmes and with lending for adjustment 1992 186
From command to market economies : an exchange theoretical view 1992 185
Advanced reforming countries might reach end of recession : the economic situation in Central-East European countries, ex-USSR and ex-Yugoslavia in early 1992 1992 184
Conventional stabilization and the East European transition 1992 183
Economic lessons for the East European countries from two newly industrializing countries in the Far East? 1992 182
Transition from command to market economies in Central and Eastern Europe : first experiences and questions 1992 181
Depression and inflation : threats to political and social stability ; the current economic situation of former CMEA countries and Yugoslavia 1992 180
Die Wirtschaft Sloweniens und Kroatiens 1992 179
The state of the Soviet economy and prospects for introducing rouble convertibility 1991 177
Speed and level of privatization of big enterprises in Central and Eastern Europe : general concepts and Hungarian practice 1991 176
External indebtedness of Yugoslavia and its federal units 1991 175
East-West GDP comparisons : problems, methods and results 1991 174
System transformation under severe external and internal shocks : the economic situation in early 1991 and outlook 1991 1991 173
The impact of the unification on the East German economy 1991 172
Schwierigkeiten bei der Gründung von Joint Ventures in Osteuropa 1991 171
The economic situation in Eastern Europe, the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in autumn 1990 and outlook 1990/91 1990 170
Eastern and East-West energy prospects 1990 169
The role of money and monetary policy in Hungary from the establishment of the centrally planned economy to the end of the 1980s 1990 167
Poland 1990 : from plan to market through crash? 1990 166
Sonderwirtschaftszonen in Osteuropa und der Sowjetunion : eine Projektstudie 1990 165
L' importance de l'Autriche dans les relations d'affaires Est-Ouest 1990 164
Transition from the command to a market economy 1990 163
Die Wechselkurspolitik der RGW-Länder und Probleme der Konvertibilität 1990 162
The economic relations of Austria, Finland, Yugoslavia and Hungary with the Soviet Union : a comparative analysis 1989 161
Rumäniens Investitionspolitik und ihre Bedeutung für westliche Anlagenexporte 1989 160
Theory of investment cycles in the centrally planned economies : an economic reinterpretation 1989 158
Mögliche Auswirkungen der Ostpolitik der EG und eines EG-Beitrittes Österreichs auf den österreichischen Osthandel : Studie im Auftrag des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Finanzen 1989 157
Die Entwicklung Polens und Spaniens in den Jahren 1950 bis 1985 1989 156
The capital market and the problem of full employment : (a contribution to the discussion on economic reforms in socialist countries) 1989 155
Stellenwert der Hochtechnologie im österreichischen Ostexport und im internationalen Vergleich : Projektstudie im Auftrag der Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien 1989 154
Some aspects of the Hungarian-Soviet economic relations in 1971-1985 1989 153
Problems of east-west GDP comparisons 1989 152
Marktwachstum, Struktur- und Wettbewerbseffekte im Wiener Aussenhandel : eine "Share-and-shift"-Analyse 1988 151
A sunset industry in Eastern Europe : the iron and steel industry in Hungary ; (a case of sluggish adjustment) 1988 149
Hungary's economic policy in the 1980s : restrictive economic policy, uncertain, ill-assorted reforms 1988 148
Zur Entwicklung der Volkswirtschaft der DDR und ihres Wirtschaftsmechanismus 1988 147
Inequality effects of disequilibrium in Poland's consumer markets : 1965 - 1986 ; evidence from households' budgets 1988 146
Main development priorities in the Soviet machinebuilding sector 1988 145
Hungary's banking reform 1988 144
Social and political preconditions for and consequences of economic reform in Poland 1988 143
Die Elektrizitäts- und Brennstoffwirtschaft im RGW-Raum unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Energieverkehrs mit Österreich 1988 142
Market equilibrium - a prerequisite for the autonomy of enterprises 1988 141
Wien als Standort für Industriebetriebe : Projektstudie ; Anschlußstudie zum Forschungsbericht Nr. 138 1988 140
Großaufträge des Ostens an die österreichische Industrie 1975-1986 : 1975 - 1986 1988 139
Erfahrungen mit Investitionsförderungspolitik im internationalen Vergleich mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Wiens : theoretische u. empirische Evaluierung ; Projektstudie 1988 138
Animal production in socialist countries : 1970 - 1985 1988 137
From cycles to crisis? : recent developments in East European planned economies and the theory of investment cycles 1988 136
Export control reform and Western security 1987 135
Die Energiewirtschaft Jugoslawiens 1987 134
Structural change and economic reform in Poland 1987 133
Die Verteilung der Arbeitseinkommen in den RGW-Ländern und Jugoslawien mit einem Vergleich zu Österreich 1987 131
Can socialist economic systems be reformed? 1987 130
Marx-Sozialismus, Markt-Sozialismus und Wirtschaftsreformen des "real existierenden Sozialismus" 1987 129
Can the Polish debt problem be solved? 1987 128
Probleme des Wandels der tschechoslowakischen Wirtschaft zu einem intensiven Entwicklungstypus 1987 127
Hauptrichtungen der Industriepolitik in Ost und West 1987 126
The structural changes in the power centre, and economic reform in Poland 1987 125
Socialist countries' West trade and hard currency dept 1987 124
Prices, wages, incomes and consumption in Hungary, 1968 - 1985 1987 123
On crucial reform of real socialism 1986 122
Der Privatsektor in der tschechoslowakischen Landwirtschaft seit 1970 1986 121
The impact of recent world economic changes on East-West trade 1986 119
Höhere Formen der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit 1986 118
Das Gegengeschäft 1986 117
The Polish reform : an attempted evaluation 1986 116
Comparison of real products between East and West, 1970 - 1983 1986 115
Der Transithandel 1986 114
Die Perspektive der Westwirtschaftsbeziehungen Polens 1986 113
Großaufträge des Ostens an die österreichische Industrie : Studie im Auftr. d. Vereinigung Österr. Industrieller 1986 112
The development, mechanism and institutional system of the Finnish-Soviet economic relations 1986 111
Poland's hard currency debt in perspective : discussion paper to be publ. in the proceedings of the "Conference on the Polish Economy and Debt", Polish Studies Center, Indiana Univ., and Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C., Washington, October 21 - 22, 1985 1985 110
Finnish-Soviet economic relations 1985 109
Hard currency debt assessment : six CMEA countries and Yugoslavia 1985 108
Der europäische RGW-Raum als Absatzmarkt für österreichische Fertigwaren : eine Projektstudie 1985 107
Poland's agricultural trade : present state and perspectives 1985 106
Some macroeconomic aspects of the CMEA countries' mineral economy 1985 105
Niveau und Entwicklung der Reallöhne in den RGW-Ländern im Vergleich mit Österreich 1985 103
An international comparison of industrial capacity utilization : on Dutch, Austrian and Hungarian examples 1985 102
Some aspects of economic relations between Austria and the Soviet Union 1984 101
Motivationssystem in der Wirtschaftsreform in Polen 1984 100
Die ungarische Wirtschaftsreform 1984 99
Der neue ökonomische Mechanismus in Bulgarien 1984 98
Advantages, disadvantages in USSR trade with Eastern Europe : the aspect of prices 1984 97
Die Verschuldung der RGW-Länder und die Perspektiven des Ost-West-Handels 1984 95
Die Landwirtschaft im RGW-Raum 1917 - 1983: Getreide-, Zuckerrüben- und Kartoffelproduktion 1984 94
Hungary: how to live with slow growth conditions : adaptation of economic conditions and management 1984 93
Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Ost und West in den siebziger und achtziger Jahren 1983 92
Poland's statistics on current account of the balance of payments in convertible currencies 1983 91
Proportionen und Effizienz des Wirtschaftswachstums am Beispiel Polens 1983 90
Economic effects of the Polish crisis on other CMEA countries 1983 89
Verbraucherpreise und privater Konsum in Polen und Österreich 1983 88
A comparison of purchasing power parity and consumption level in Austria and Czechoslovakia 1983 87
Structural changes and productivity : development in manufacturing industries of the European centrally planned economies 1983 85
Die Bedeutung des Osthandels im internationalen Vergleich 1983 84
"Second economy" in sozialistischen Ländern und Inflationserscheinungen 1982 83
Über ein ungarisch-österreichisches industrielles Freihandelsabkommen 1982 82
Poland's energy policy 1982 81
Establishment and enterprise size in manufacturing : an East-West international comparison 1982 80
The consumption block of the Hungarian INFORUM model 1982 79
Faktoren des Entscheidungsprozesses bei der Investitionspolitik in der UdSSR 1982 78
Die neue Lohnregelung in der UdSSR 1982 76
Der Konsum im Sozialismus 1982 75
Die Funktionen des Aussenhandels in sozialistischen und kapitalistischen Ländern am Beispiel des Ost-West-Handels : (das Management des Ost-West-Handels) 1982 74
Wachstum und Strukturwandel in den weniger entwickelten europäischen Ländern Südwest- und Südeuropas 1982 73
An assessment of European CMEA countries' hard currency debt : this paper was presented at the EUROMONEY/AMR International Conference on Country Risk Assessment, New York, September 24 - 25, 1981 1981 72
World market prices and the Hungarian terms of trade in the 1970 1981 71
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer gesamteuropäischen Freihandelszone 1981 70
Die Energiewirtschaft Ungarns 1981 69
Der Handel in Industriewaren zwischen Ost, West und Süd und seine Auswirkungen 1981 67
The role of development aid facilities 1980 66
The impact of turnover tax in the 1962 input-output table of Czechoslovakia 1980 65
Industrial kombinate in the GDR : a decision-making, information, and motivation analysis 1980 64
Die Industriestruktur in Österreich und in der DDR : eine komparativ-empirische Studie 1980 63
Economic reform in Bulgaria: coping with "The kj problem" 1980 62
Enterprise and establishment size in industry in east and west : collected statistics 1980 61
Verschuldung der Oststaaten in Österreich 1980 60
Preisveränderungen im sowjetischen Außenhandel mit der DDR : (1956 - 1980) 1980 57
Technology transfer from the CMEA countries to the Third World 1979 56
Preisveränderungen im sowjetischen Außenhandel mit dem RGW und der übrigen Welt seit 1975 1979 55
Population, labour force and employment in Yugoslavia : 1950 - 1990 1979 54
Wachstum und Produktivität in der Industrie und ihren Hauptbereichen in der BRD, Österreich, Polen und Ungarn im Zeitraum 1960 - 1972 1979 53
Capital and labour intensity of Austrian and Hungarian foreign trade 1979 52
Der österreichische Arbeitsmarkt 1979 51
Die Erwerbstätigkeit in Ungarn : Entwicklung 1950 - 1975, Prognosen bis 1990 1979 50
Size structure of industrial production units in different economic systems : Austria and Hungary in 1973 1978 49
Struktur und Strukturwandel in der Industrie der BRD, Österreichs, Polens und Ungarns und ihr Einfluß auf die Produktivität 1960 - 1972 1978 48
Arbeitskräftepotential und Arbeitskräftebedarf in der Schweiz 1978 47
Manpower resources and employment in Poland 1950 - 1990 : developments and projections 1978 46
Capital and equipment imports and growth in socialist countries 1978 45
Die Beschäftigungsentwicklung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : Rückschau (1950 - 1975) u. Prognose (1975 - 1990) 1978 44
Der Außenhandel Österreichs mit Polen : Entwicklung u. Perspektiven 1977 43
Measuring integration : a diagnostic scale, applied to EEC, CMEA and East-West-Trade, 1938 - 1975 1977 42
Energy consumption in the Soviet bloc 1977 41
Relative Preise und Bereichsstruktur der Bruttoproduktion und der Nettoproduktion : ein Input-Output-Vergleich Österreich 1964 u. Ungarn 1968 zu Originalpreisen u. zu Außenhandelspreisen 1977 40
Closing the technological gap : the experiences of the socialist countries 1977 39
Inflationsprobleme in den sozialistischen Ländern 1977 38
Die Wirtschaft der DDR : 1950 - 1974 1976 37
Economic planning - its relation to the socio-economic system and the stages of economic development 1976 36
Ein Input-Output-Vergleich der Struktur der Bruttoproduktion nach Wirtschaftsbereichen zwischen Österreich und Ungarn 1976 35
Perspektiven der wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen zwischen Ost und West unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Österreichs 1976 34
Entwicklungstendenzen und Strukturwandel in der BRD, Österreich, Polen und Ungarn im Zeitraum 1950 - 1972 : ein allgemeiner Vergleich 1976 33
Migration und Ausländerbeschäftigung in den RGW-Ländern und ihre Probleme 1975 32
East-West trade prospects up to 1980 1975 31
Components of growth of industrial production : international comparison Austria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia 1975 30
The effects of liberalization of Austrian quantitative restrictions on imports from CMEA countries 1975 29
The recent reform of the incentive system in Poland 1975 28
The future of Austro-Hungarian foreign trade 1975 27
Arbeitskräftepotential und Arbeitskräftebedarf in Österreich und seinen Nachbarstaaten : Perspektiven für den österreichischen Arbeitsmarkt 1975 26
Regionalentwicklung und Regionalpolitik in der Sowjetunion 1975 25
Zur Industriestatistik der BRD, Österreichs, Polens und Ungarns 1975 24
Structural developments in CMEA foreign trade over the last fifteen years : (1960 - 1974) 1975 23
Consumer prices in Austria and Hungary : 1945 - 1972 ; some aspects of price formation, price development and price patterns 1974 22
Die Wirtschaft der Sowjetunion 1950 - 1973 1974 21
Factor productivities and growth in Soviet industry 1974 20
New elements in US-East-West trade policy 1974 19
The determinants of the lifespan of capital goods in a socialist economy 1974 18
Formen der wirtschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit zwischen den kleinen Industriestaaten Westeuropas und den sozialistischen Staaten 1974 17
Die österreichisch-bulgarischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen : 1955 - 1970 1974 16
On international comparisons in artificial prices 1974 15
Beiträge zur Theorie der selbstverwaltenden Unternehmung 1974 14
On the price-bias in comparative analysis of planned and market economies 1974 13
Die Wirtschaft Polens : 1945 - 1972 1974 12
Probleme der langfristigen Entwicklung und Planung 1973 11
Technischer Fortschritt in Österreich und in Jugoslawien 1973 10
Die Wirtschaft Ungarns : 1945 - 1972 1973 9
Die Währung im Außenhandel der RGW-Länder 1973 8
Bestimmungsgründe im Handel zwischen Ost und West 1972 7
Wirtschaftsstrukturen in Osteuropa : ein Vergleich mit Westeuropa 1972 6
Zur Lage der Comecon-Länder im internationalen Handel 1972 5
Ein theoretisches Modell zum Studium des Managements in osteuropäischen Planwirtschaften 1972 4
Das Geld- und Kreditwesen in Osteuropa : im Lichte der Wirtschaftsreformen 1972 3
Zur industriellen Kooperation zwischen Österreich und Ungarn 1972 2
Zur Berechnung des Brutto-Nationalproduktes in Osteuropa nach westlichen Methoden am Beispiel Polens 1971 1
Vertical product differentiation in EU markets 234
Shared aspirations, diverging results : the economic situation in Central and East European countries and in Slovenia, Croatia, Russia and Ukraine at the turn of 1992/1993 ...
Sonderformen im Ost-West-Handel ...
Transition countries : economic developments in 1995 and outlook for 1996 and 1997 ...
Transition countries : economic developments in early 1995 and outlook for 1995 and 1996 ...
Transition countries : economic developments in early 1996 and outlook for 1996 and 1997 ...