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  1. 1

    La structure économique de la France

    Participants: Maillet, Pierre
    Published: 1958
    Publisher: Presses Univ. de France
    Book Analog

  2. 2

    Le patronat de la seconde industrialisation

    Participants: Lévy-Leboyer, Maurice
    Published: 1979
    Publisher: Éd. Ouvrières
    Book Analog

  3. 3

    Les métamorphoses de la société salariale : la France en projet

    Participants: Aglietta, Michel; Brender, Anton
    Published: 1984
    Publisher: Calmann-Lévy
    Book Analog

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    D'ou vient la décadence économique de la France

    Participants: Mourre, Charles
    Published: 1899
    Publisher: Plon
    Links: Zettel
    Book Analog
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    La démocratie industrielle

    Participants: Philip, André
    Published: 1955
    Publisher: Presses Univ. de France
    Book Analog

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    Annuaire statistique de la Société des Nations

    Participants: Völkerbund
    Published: 1931-1945
    Series Analog

  12. 12

    Solidarity-based choices in the market-place : a vital contribution to social cohesion

    Volume 14 from: Trends in social cohesion
    Participants: Europarat
    Published: 2005
    Publisher: Council of Europe Publ.
    Book Analog

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    Schweizer Monatshefte : Zeitschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur : Sonderthema

    Published: 2007-2010
    Publisher: Schweizer Monatshefte
    Series Analog

  15. 15

    La trahison de l'opulence

    Participants: Dupuy, Jean-Pierre; Robert, Jean
    Published: 1976
    Publisher: Press Univ. de France
    Book Analog

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    Histoire économique de la Belgique : 1945 - 1956

    Participants: Baudhuin, Fernand
    Published: 1958
    Publisher: Bruylant
    Book Analog

  20. 20

    Esquisse de l'économie française sous l'occupation allemande

    Participants: Baudin, Louis
    Published: 1945
    Publisher: Libr. de Médicis
    Book Analog