Search Results

  1. 121

    Journalistinnen : Frauen in einem Männerberuf

    Participants: Neverla, Irene; Kanzleiter, Gerda
    Published: 1984
    Publisher: Campus-Verl.
    Book Analog

  2. 122

  3. 123

  4. 124

    Drei Generationen Arbeiterleben : e. sozio-biograph. Darst.

    Participants: Deppe, Wilfried
    Published: 1982
    Publisher: Campus-Verl. [u.a.]
    Book Analog

  5. 125

    Wörterbuch der Soziologie

    Participants: Endruweit, Günter
    Published: 2002
    Publisher: Lucius & Lucius
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

  6. 126

    Strategy and group choice

    Participants: Pattanaik, Prasanta K.
    Published: 1978
    Publisher: North-Holland
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

  7. 127

    Polizei-Alltag : Strategien, Ziele und Strukturen polizeilichen Handelns

    Participants: Girtler, Roland
    Published: 1980
    Publisher: Westdt. Verl.
    Book Analog

  8. 128

    Psychoanalyse und Gesellschaftstheorie

    Participants: Reimann, Bruno W.
    Published: 1973
    Publisher: Luchterhand
    Links: Katalogkarte
    Book Analog

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  10. 130

  11. 131

    Work in crisis : the dilemma of a nation

    Participants: Clarke, Roger
    Published: 1982
    Publisher: Saint Andrew Pr.
    Book Analog

  12. 132

  13. 133

    Einführung in die Systemtheorie

    Participants: Luhmann, Niklas; Baecker, Dirk
    Published: 2002
    Publisher: Carl-Auer-Systeme-Verl.
    Book Analog

  14. 134

  15. 135

    Die Zerstörung der Vernunft : 3 : Irrationalismus und Soziologie

    Volume 146 from: Sammlung Luchterhand
    Volume 3 from: Die Zerstörung der Vernunft
    Participants: Lukács, Georg
    Published: 1974
    Publisher: Luchterhand
    Book Analog

  16. 136
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

  17. 137

    Jahrbuch für Soziologie : eine internationale Sammlung

    Participants: Salomon, Gottfried
    Published: 1925-1927
    Publisher: <> Braun
    Links: Zettel
    Journal Analog

  18. 138

    Fads and foibles in modern sociology and related sciences

    Participants: Sorokin, Pitirim
    Published: 1956
    Publisher: Regnery
    Book Analog

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