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    Jephte - Jesuitentragödie

    Participants: Baum, Wilhelm
    Published: 2002
    Publisher: Kitab-Verl.
    Book Analog

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    Langenscheidts Handwörterbuch Lateinisch-Deutsch

    Participants: Pertsch, Erich,; Menge, Hermann
    Published: 1971
    Publisher: Langenscheidt
    Book Analog

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    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    Ciceros Reden gegen L. Catilina und seine Genossen

    Participants: Cicero, Marcus Tullius; Nohl, Hermann
    Published: 1906
    Publisher: Freytag; Tempsky
    Book Analog

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    Kanonische Visitationen der Diözese Raab aus dem Jahre 1713

    Participants: Buzás, Josef
    Published: 1981; 1981
    Publisher: Burgenländisches Landesarchiv; Rötzer-Druck Ges.m.b.H. & Co. KG
    Book Analog

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    Studien zu Homer, Sophokles, Euripides, Racine und Goethe

    Participants: Mayer, Philipp; Frohwein, Eugen
    Published: 1874
    Publisher: Kanitz
    Book Analog
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    Xenophōntos apomnēmoneumata : = Xenophontis commentarii

    Participants: Xenophon; Dindorf, Ludwig August
    Published: 1871
    Publisher: Teubner
    Book Analog
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    Beiträge zur indischen Erotik : das Liebesleben des Sanskritvolkes

    Participants: Schmidt, Richard
    Published: 1922
    Publisher: Barsdorf
    Book Analog

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