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    Letters of four seasons

    Participants: Ikeda, Daisaku; Inoue, Yasushi; Gage, Richard L.
    Published: 1980
    Publisher: Kodansha International Ltd.
    Book Letters Source Analog

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    Briefwechsel 1902-1917

    Participants: Lukács, Georg; Karádi, Éva; Fekete, Éva; Vértes-Meller, Ágnes
    Published: [1982]
    Publisher: J.B. Metzlersche Verlagsbuchhandlung
    Book Letters Analog

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    Reden gegen den Strich : für Abrüstung und Sozialismus

    Participants: Coppik, Manfred; Hansen, Karl-Heinz
    Published: 1983
    Publisher: Pahl-Rugenstein
    Book Letters Analog

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    Reden und Schriften zur Reformpolitik

    Volume 92 from: Internationale Bibliothek
    Participants: Vollmar, Georg von; Albrecht, Willy
    Published: 1977
    Publisher: Dietz
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Letters Analog

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    Der Fall Röhm

    Participants: Röhm, Ernst; Klotz, Helmut
    Published: 1982
    Publisher: Faksimile-Verlag
    Book Letters Analog

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    Ein bewegtes Leben

    Participants: Marx, Jenny; Schack, Renate
    Published: 1989
    Publisher: Dietz
    Book Letters Source Analog

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    Das Selbstporträt des Jürgen Bartsch

    Participants: Bartsch, Jürgen; Moor, Paul; Mauz, Gerhard; Brocher, Tobias
    Published: 1972
    Publisher: Fischer-Taschenbuch-Verlag
    Book Letters Analog

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    The erotic revolution : an affirmative view of the new morality

    Participants: Lipton, Lawrence
    Published: 1965
    Publisher: Sherbourne Press
    Book Letters Unbekannt Analog

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    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    Rede auf einem Treffen mit Werktätigen der Stadt Togliatti am 8. April 1986

    Participants: Gorbačev, Michail
    Published: 1986
    Publisher: Dietz
    Book Letters Analog

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    Goethes Briefe an Frau von Stein

    Volume 15 from: Sammlung Birkhäuser
    Participants: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; Fränkel, Jonas
    Published: 1949
    Publisher: Birkhäuser
    Book Letters Analog