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  1. 1

    Das Peter-Prinzip oder die Hierarchie der Unfähigen

    Participants: Peter, Laurence J.; Hull, Raymond
    Published: 1986
    Publisher: Rowohlt
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

  2. 2

    Wie man einen Mann aufreisst

    Participants: Elsner, Constanze
    Published: 1986
    Publisher: Heyne
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

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    Wie man eine Frau aufreisst : Tricks, die Sie garantiert noch nicht kennen

    Participants: Elsner, Constanze
    Published: 1986
    Publisher: Heyne
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

  4. 4

    Alle Männer wollen nur das Eine

    Participants: Kroonenberg, Yvonne
    Published: [1993]
    Publisher: Goldmann
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

  5. 5

    Badeoft, der Herr Minister : ein politischer Sang aus Trottelanien

    Participants: Josephus
    Published: 1897
    Publisher: Cäsar Schmid
    Book Humor, Satire Analog
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.
    The allocation of these works from the private libraries of the "4 socialist bibliophiles" enabled the rapid and high-quality stock build-up in the first years after the opening of the AK library in 1921.

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    Butter, Brot und Läusespray : was Einkaufszettel über uns verraten

    Participants: Boning, Wigald
    Published: 2013
    Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
    Links: Inhaltstext
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

  9. 9

    Einfach liegen lassen : das kleine Buch vom effektiven Arbeiten durch gezieltes Nichtstun

    Participants: Perry, John; Andreas, Maria; Roumieu, Graham
    Published: Februar 2015
    Publisher: Goldmann
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Guidebook Analog

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    Die Welt von morgen : 60 Visionen für ein besseres Leben

    Participants: Horowitz, Michael; Metroverlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Metroverlag
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

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    Tim als Revolutionär

    Participants: Daniels, J.
    Published: 2016
    Publisher: bahoe books
    Book Comic Humor, Satire Analog

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    Volume 7 from: Insurrection notes
    Participants: Önder, Tunay; Unrast Verlag; Mustafa, Imad
    Published: März 2016
    Publisher: UNRAST
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Humor, Satire Analog

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    Carlo Vive : G8, Genua 2001

    Participants: Barilli, Francesco; De Carli, Manuel; Heussler, Milena; Gürtler, Leo
    Published: 2016
    Publisher: bahoe books
    Book Comic Humor, Satire Analog

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    Schwere Zeiten : das Leben der Lilli Grün

    Participants: Fatzinek, Thomas
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: bahoe books
    Links: Inhaltstext Bild
    Book Comic Humor, Satire Analog

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    Participants: Salete, Marcelo d'; Hübner, Lea
    Published: 2017
    Publisher: bahoe books
    Book Comic Humor, Satire Analog

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    Likwidator in Spanien 1937

    Participants: Dąbrowski, Ryszard; Foremna, Gosia
    Published: 2017
    Publisher: bahoe books
    Book Comic Fiction Humor, Satire Analog

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    Das Problem mit den Frauen

    Participants: Fleming, Jacky; Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch; Pfeiffer, Silke
    Published: 2017
    Publisher: Kiepenheuer & Witsch
    Links: Inhaltstext
    Book Comic Humor, Satire Analog