The Myths and Realities of IMF Lending

'Myth 1 is that the IMF is a quantitatively important source of external finance for developing countries. The reality is that the Fund provides quite small amounts of finance in relation to the size of the payments deficits that developing countries as a whole encounter ... Myth 2 is that ther...

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Bibliographische Detailangaben
Veröffentlicht in:The World Economy (17 (1994) Nr.5, S.759-778)
VerfasserIn: Bird, Graham
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Großbritannien, 09.1994
Klassifikation:336.748 Währungsfonds, Internationaler
338.92 Entwicklungsland
336.77 Auslandskredit
338.98 Wirtschaftspolitik
336.12 Schulden, öffentliche
Zugänglichkeit:Medien der SOWIDOK sind nur vor Ort in der AK Bibliothek Wien zugänglich
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Beschreibung:Tabellen Graphik
Anmerkungen:Level: 2 (Bewertung des Dokuments nach SOWIDOK-internen Kriterien: von 1 = sehr relevant, bis 5 = kaum relevant)
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Zusammenfassung:'Myth 1 is that the IMF is a quantitatively important source of external finance for developing countries. The reality is that the Fund provides quite small amounts of finance in relation to the size of the payments deficits that developing countries as a whole encounter ... Myth 2 is that there is a strong catalytic effect associated with IMF-backed programmes ... the empirical reality is that lending by the Fund is not significantly positively associated with other lending ... Myth 3 is that low cost Fund finance induces member countries to overly relax domestic macroeconomic discipline, with the result that the Fund helps create the very problems which it is supposed to help resolve. The reality is that borrowing from the Fund may not involve a large concessionary element and countries frequently strive to avoid it they may, even so, be forced towards the Fund by external factors beyond their control ...'
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