Institutional Commitments and Policy Credibility: A Critical Survey and Empirical Evidence from the ERM

'Since its inception the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) of the European Monetary System has evolved beyond its initial role of reducing nominal exchange rate variability to symbolise the commitment to stable and low inflation rates ... The success of ERM countries in reducing inflation has led t...

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Veröffentlicht in:OECD Economic Studies ((1992) Nr.18, S.45-84)
VerfasserIn: Egebo, Thomas
Englander, Steven
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Frankreich, 06.1992
Klassifikation:336.748 Währungspolitik
338.5 Verbraucherpreis
336.748.1 Inflation
338.5 Preis
331.6 Arbeitsmarkt
331.2 Lohn
Zugänglichkeit:Medien der SOWIDOK sind nur vor Ort in der AK Bibliothek Wien zugänglich
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Beschreibung:Tabellen Graphiken
Anmerkungen:Level: 2 (Bewertung des Dokuments nach SOWIDOK-internen Kriterien: von 1 = sehr relevant, bis 5 = kaum relevant)
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Zusammenfassung:'Since its inception the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) of the European Monetary System has evolved beyond its initial role of reducing nominal exchange rate variability to symbolise the commitment to stable and low inflation rates ... The success of ERM countries in reducing inflation has led to much analysis of whether the ERM as an institutional device has given rise to credibility effects in Member countries' disinflation processes. After considering both the analytical underpinnings of the credibility hypotheses and the empirical evidence, this article found little evidence that policy credibility in ERM countries reduced the costs of disinflation substantially.'
Zugangseinschränkungen:Medien der SOWIDOK sind nur vor Ort in der AK Bibliothek Wien zugänglich
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