Economic justice: The central question

The central problem of Economic Justice is the just allocation of the benefits derived from the human resources. In the treee polar cases, respectively: (1) each individual has the full unsufruct of all his capacities (Full Process Liberalism, including 'liberal social contracts' for the c...

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Veröffentlicht in:European Economic Review (39 (1995) Nr.3/4 S.661-673)
VerfasserIn: Kolm, Serge-Christophe
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Niederlande, 06.1995
Klassifikation:14 Sozialphilosophie
339.231 Einkommensverteilung
342.722 Gleichheit
330.17 Wirtschaftsordnung
331.845 Freizeit
330.172 Liberalismus
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Zusammenfassung:The central problem of Economic Justice is the just allocation of the benefits derived from the human resources. In the treee polar cases, respectively: (1) each individual has the full unsufruct of all his capacities (Full Process Liberalism, including 'liberal social contracts' for the correction of market failures) (2) the ideal is equal satisfaction (replaced by a leximin in fundamental preferences, or Practical Justice, for efficiency) and (3) individuals are specifically entitled to (or accountable for) only their consumptive capacities.
Zugangseinschränkungen:Medien der SOWIDOK sind nur vor Ort in der AK Bibliothek Wien zugänglich
Hierarchiestufe:Unselbständig erschienen
Erscheinungsform:Unselbständig erschienen