Working papers / Department of Economics, University of Vienna

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VerfasserIn: Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Ort / Verlag / Datum:Vienna : Dep. of Economics, Univ. of Vienna, 1983-
Erscheinungsverlauf:Nachgewiesen No. 8301.1983 -
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Titel Jahr Band
Voluntary contributions when the public good is not necessarily normal 1997 9702
Deficits, debt and European Monetary Union : some unpleasant fiscal arithmetic 1996 9615
To be (unionized) or not to be? : a case for cost-raising strategies 1996 9614
On the possibility of efficient private provision of public goods through government subsidies 1996 9608
Nonlinear dynamcis : evidence for a small stock exchange 1996 9607
Internalizing externalities in second-best tax systems 1996 9605
Credit markets with moral hazard and heterogeneous valuations of collateral 1996 9604
Information revelation via takeovers in correlated environments 1996 9602
Disciplinary takeovers and industry effects 1996 9601
Imperfect competition and capital accumulation : the role of price normalization 1995 9506
On the formation of political coalitions 1995 9505
A qualitative theory of "preference for opportunities and diversity" 1995 9504
Profit maximization, relative prices, and the maximization of shareholders' real wealth 1995 9503
Hostile takeovers in correlated environments 1995 9502
The stock market when market participation is costly 1995 9501
Profit maximization mitigates competition 1994 9405
Dynamics of total factor productivities 1992 9206
Cream-skimming and adverse selection in health insurance markets 1992 9205
Savings, social security, and bequests in an OLG model : a simulation exercise for Austria 1992 9201
Existence of nash equilibrium in pure strategies in an oligopoly with price setting firms 1989 8902
Intertemporal nonseparability, liquidity constraints, and seasonality of aggregate consumer expenditures : an empirical investigation 1989 8901
Endogenous stock price variability in an overlapping generations model of short run speculations 1988 8808
Competition for clients 1988 8807
Market structure and R & D competition 1988 8805
Cointegration in a macro-economic system 1988 8804
Wirtschaftsliberalismus und Staatseingriffe bei Karl Heinrich Rau 1988 8803
Concentration of wealth with identical agents and inheritance 1988 8802
International R & D competition and trade policy 1988 8801
Increasing returns to scale in financial intermediation and the non-neutralitity of government policy : a comment 1987 8703
Price rigidity, international mobility of financial capital and exchange rate volatility : presented at the International Seminar on Macroeconomics, Chateau de Ragny, June 11-13, 1987 1987 8702
Excess consumption as a predictor of future income changes 1987 8701
Quantity guided price setting 1986 8607
Speculation and stabilization : classical, neo-classical and Keynesian views 1986 8606
Increasing returns, efficiency, and the distribution of wealth 1986 8605
Comparative advantage in the presence of random preferences 1986 8604
Exchange rate policy of Austria as a policy game 1986 8603
Period of production : (entry for the new Palgrave) 1986 8601
Tentative notes on prestige seeking and Pareto-efficiency 1985 8509
When does marginal cost pricing lead to Pareto efficiency? 1985 8508
Stock prices and market efficiency with heterogeneous information 1985 8507
Walrasian equilibria in large production economies with differentiated commodities 1985 8505
Variable loan size and credit rationing : I am indebted to Gerhard Orosel and Claude Clemenz for valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier draft 1985 8504
Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk : eine Analyse seiner Kapitaltheorie 1985 8503
General equilibrium with futures trading : this paper is to a large extent the result of extensive discussions with M. Magill, to whom I am deeply indebted 1985 8502
A note on the nonsubstitution theorem with joint production 1985 8501
Income distribution and imperfect markets : a new welfare-based measure for life-time income considerations 1984 8410
Wechselkursschwankungen und Devisenspekulation : deterministische und stochastische Ansätze ; Referat bei der Tagung "Außenwirtschaft bei Ungewißheit", Hernstein, 31.5. - 3.6.1984 1984 8409
The impact of monetary policy on the loan rate in Austria 1984 8408
Aspects of Austrian economics in the 1920s and 1930s 1984 8407
Die österreichische Finanzpolitik der Jahre 1981 und 1982 1984 8403
Theorien der Kreditrationierung 1984 8402
The linear model with joint production 1984 8401
Budgetary and related policies in Austria : an approach to cyclical policy and structural change by institutional arrangements and governmentally supported competitivity ; paper presented at the "Premier Colloque du CLUB Européen des Associations d'Économistes: Les Politiques Économiques des Années 1980", Paris 1983 1983 8304
Infinite horizon rational expectations equilibrium in a competitive market for an exhaustible resource 1983 8303
Household outlay index : concept and empirical evidence ; paper presented at the 7th Symposium on Operations Research in Karlsruhe, 22 - 25 August 1983 1983 8302
On the efficiency of incomplete markets 1983 8301