A credit crunch? : the recent slowdown in bank lending and its implications for monetary policy
1992 |
107 |
Energy prices, taxes and carbon dioxide emissions
1991 |
106 |
Savings trends and measurement issues
1991 |
105 |
P-star as an indicator of inflationary pressure
1991 |
101 |
Old age income maintenance : basic problems and alternative responses
1991 |
100 |
The measurement of output and factors of production for the business sector in OECD countries : (the OECD business sector database)
1991 |
99 |
Macroeconomic consequences of financial liberalisation : a summary report
1991 |
98 |
Deregulation, credit rationing, financial fragility and economic performance
1991 |
97 |
Increasing financial market integration, real exchange rates and macroeconomic adjustment
1991 |
96 |
Financial liberalisation, asset prices and exchange rates
1991 |
95 |
Financial liberalisation and international trends in stock, corporate bond and foreign exchange market volatilities
1991 |
94 |
A macroeconomic model for debt analysis of the Latin America region and debt accounting models for the highly indebted countries
1991 |
93 |
Unemployment persistence and insider-outsider forces in wage determination
1991 |
92 |
Infrastructure and private-sector productivity
1991 |
91 |
Financial liberalisation and consumption behaviour
1991 |
81 |
The public sector : issues for the 1990s
1990 |
90 |
A survey of studies of the costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions
1990 |
89 |
Business investment in the OECD countries : recent performance and some implications for policy
1990 |
88 |
The "puzzle" of wage moderation in the 1980s
1990 |
87 |
Modelling wages and prices for the smaller OECD countries
1990 |
86 |
Simulating the OECD INTERLINK model under alternative monetary policy rules
1990 |
85 |
WALRAS - a multisector multicountry applied general equilibrium model for quantifying the economy - wide effects of agricultural policies : a technical manual
1990 |
84 |
Exchange rate policy in advanced commodity exporting countries : the case of Australia and New Zealand
1990 |
83 |
Economics and the environment : a survey of issues and policy options
1990 |
82 |
Fiscal indicators
1990 |
80 |
Suggestions for a new set of fiscal indicators
1990 |
79 |
Indicators of fiscal policy : a re-examination
1990 |
78 |
Monetary policy in the wake of financial liberalisation
1990 |
77 |
The dollar position of the non-US private sector, portfolio effects, and the exchange rate of the dollar
1990 |
76 |
Measuring industrial subsidies : some conceptual issues
1990 |
75 |
Industrial subsidies in the OECD economies
1990 |
74 |
The saving behaviour of Japanese households
1990 |
73 |
The role of indicators in structural surveillance
1990 |
72 |
Modelling business sector supply for the smaller OECD countries
1989 |
71 |
On the sequencing of structural reforms
1989 |
70 |
The information content of the term structure of interest rates : theory and practice
1989 |
69 |
The impact of increased government saving on the economy
1989 |
68 |
Saving trends and behaviour in OECD countries
1989 |
67 |
Potential output in the seven major OECD countries
1989 |
66 |
A post mortem on OECD short-term projections from 1982 to 1987
1989 |
65 |
Revised groupings for non-OECD countries in OECD's macroeconomic model INTERLINK
1989 |
64 |
The economic dynamics of an ageing population : the case of four OECD countries
1989 |
62 |
Ageing populations : economic effects and implications for public finance
1989 |
61 |
Modelling housing investment for seven major OECD countries
1988 |
63 |
The OECD compatible trade and production data base : 1970-1985
1988 |
60 |
Eliminating the U.S. federal budget deficit by 1993 : the interaction of monetary and fiscal policy
1988 |
59 |
Empirical research on trade liberalisation with imperfect competition : a survey
1988 |
58 |
An international sectoral data base for thirteen OECD countries
1988 |
57 |
On aggregation methods of purchasing power parities
1988 |
56 |
Quantifying the economy-wide effects of agricultural policies : a general equilibrium approach
1988 |
55 |
Tests of total factor productivity measurement
1988 |
54 |
Alternative solution methods in applied general equilibrium analysis
1988 |
53 |
The so-called "non-economic" objectives of agricultural policy
1988 |
52 |
Private consumption, inlfation and the "debt neutrality hypothesis" : the case of eight OECD countries
1988 |
50 |
Are commodity prices leading indicators of OECD prices?
1988 |
49 |
The medium-term macroeconomic strategy revisited
1987 |
48 |
A review of the simulation properties of OECD's INTERLINK model
1987 |
47 |
Recent developments in OECD's international macroeconomic model
1987 |
46 |
International investment-income determination in INTERLINK : models for 23 OECD countries and six non-OECD regions
1987 |
45 |
Price determination in the major seven country models in INTERLINK
1987 |
44 |
Import and export price equations for manufactures
1987 |
43 |
OECD economic activity and non-oil commodity prices : reduced-form equations for INTERLINK
1987 |
42 |
A revised supply block for the major seven countries in INTERLINK
1987 |
41 |
Tax reform in OECD countries : economic rationale and consequences
1987 |
40 |
Monetary policy in the second half of the 1980s : how much room for manoeuvre?
1987 |
39 |
Tracking US external deficit, 1980 - 1985 : experience with the OECD interlink model
1987 |
38 |
Internationalisation of financial markets : some implications for macroeconomic policy and for the allocation of capital
1986 |
37 |
The government household transfer data base 1960 - 1984
1986 |
36 |
Wealth and inflation effects in the aggregate consumption function
1986 |
35 |
Pure profit rates and Tobin's q in nine OECD countries
1986 |
34 |
Mecanismes de transmission et effets macro-economiques de la politique monetaire en France : les principaux enseignements econometriques
1986 |
33 |
The OECD compatible trade and production data base : 1970 - 1983
1986 |
31 |
Public debt in a medium-term context and its implications for fiscal policy
1986 |
30 |
Method of calculating effective exchange rates and indicators of competitiveness
1986 |
29 |
Exchange rates and real long-term interest-rate differentials : evidence for eighteen OECD countries
1986 |
28 |
The effects of monetary policy on the real sector : an overview of empirical evidence for selected OECD economies
1985 |
51 |
The formulation of monetary policy : a reassessment in the light of recent experience
1985 |
32 |
Commodity prices in INTERLINK
1985 |
27 |
Aggregate supply in INTERLINK : model specification and empirical results
1985 |
26 |
Labour market flexibility and external price shocks
1985 |
24 |
Changes in the composition of output and employment
1985 |
23 |
Energy prices : trends and prospects
1985 |
22 |
Real interest rates and the prospects for durable growth
1985 |
21 |
Profits and rates of return in OECD countries
1985 |
20 |
Nominal wage determination in ten OECD economies
1985 |
19 |
The OECD compatible trade and production data base
1985 |
18 |
Discrepancies between imports and exports in OECD foreign trade statistics
1984 |
25 |
Real gross product in OECD countries and associated purchasing power parities
1984 |
17 |
Monetary policy in the OECD INTERLINK model
1984 |
16 |
Structural budget deficits and fiscal stance
1984 |
15 |
The conduct of monetary policy in the current recovery
1984 |
14 |
The demand for money and velocity in major OECD countries
1984 |
13 |
Labour force participation : an analysis with projections
1984 |
12 |
Evidence of income redistribution by governments
1984 |
11 |
Price dynamics and industrial structure : a theoretical and econometric analysis
1983 |
10 |
Medium-term financial strategy : the co-ordination of fiscal and monetary policies
1983 |
9 |
Simulated macroeconomic effects of a large fall in oil prices
1983 |
8 |
The determinants of exchange rate movements
1983 |
7 |
Output responsiveness and inflation : a aggregate study
1983 |
6 |
Resource prices and macroeconomic policies : lessons from two oil price shocks
1983 |
5 |
Service lives of fixed assets
1983 |
4 |
Wage formation in France : sectoral aspects
1983 |
3 |
Capital, energy and labour substitution : the supply block in OECD medium-term models
1983 |
2 |
Use of demand elastics in estimating energy demand
1983 |
1 |