The state of wage convergence in the European Monetary Union : the interdependence of European manufacturing wage growth and its limited impact on competitiveness
2010 |
130 |
Post Keynesian economics - how to move forward
2008 |
124 |
The dynamics of wages and employment in a model of monopolistic competition and efficient bargaining
2003 |
85 |
Minimum wages, human capital, employment and growth
2002 |
81 |
Handel auf Terminkontraktmärkten
2002 |
80 |
Überprüfung von Gültigkeit und Annahmen der Friedman-These für Rohstoffmärkte
2002 |
79 |
Estimating marginal costs for the Austrian railway system
2002 |
78 |
Measuring productivity of research in economics : a cross-country study using DEA
2001 |
77 |
Das Konzept einer nachhaltigen Finanzpolitik aus heterodoxer Sicht : ein Diskussionsbeitrag
2001 |
76 |
The investment development path of Austria
2000 |
75 |
Institutional and organizational determinants of product innovations
2000 |
74 |
Theorie optimaler Lohnräume : zur Lohnpolitik in der Europäischen Währungsunion
2000 |
73 |
A note on unionized firms' incentive to integrate vertically
2000 |
70 |
Explaining European unemployment : testing the NAIRU theory and a Keynesian approach
2000 |
68 |
Robinsonian and Kaleckian growth : an update on post-Keynesian growth theories
1999 |
67 |
Endogenous growth, efficiency wages and persistent unemployment
1999 |
66 |
Computable general equilibrium modeling : numerical simulations in a 2-country monetary general equilibrium model
1999 |
65 |
Der Modellbegriff in den Sozialwissenschaften : zum Programm einer kritischen Sozio-Logik
1999 |
64 |
The stability of full employment : a reconstruction of chapter 19-Keynesianism
1999 |
63 |
Explaining foreign ownership by comparative and competitive advantage : empirical evidence
1999 |
62 |
Market shares of price setting firms and trade unions
1998 |
61 |
Austria's foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe : "supply based" or "market driven"?
1998 |
57 |
Regulation of a complementary imputed good in an competitive environment
1998 |
56 |
Restricted immigration in a two-sector economy
1998 |
55 |
Effects of the single market on the Austrian insurance industry
1998 |
54 |
Economic policy in a model of endogenous growth
1997 |
53 |
Selbstselektierendes Strompreisregulierungsmodell
1997 |
52 |
Are exchange rate-based stabilisations expansionary? : theoretical considerations and the Brazilian case
1997 |
51 |
Exchange rate-based stabilization : pleasant monetary dynamics?
1997 |
50 |
Die Alternativen zur Deflationspolitik Brünings im Lichte zeitgenössischer Kritik : zugleich ein neuer Blick auf die Borchardt-These
1997 |
49 |
Unsicherheit bezüglich der Preiselastizität der Güternachfrage als reale Rigidität
1997 |
48 |
Die Relevanz von Effizienzlöhnen im Rahmen von Gewerkschaftsverhandlungsmodellen
1997 |
47 |
Asset pricing under asymmetric information
1997 |
46 |
Konsequenzen einer Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft für unsere Gesellschaft : Vortrag, gehalten beim 2. Karl-Schiller-Symposium, [Bonn], Dezember 1996
1997 |
44 |
The constitution of working time
1997 |
43 |
Territoriale Evolution von Kooperation in einem Gefangenendilemma
1996 |
45 |
Is wage-leadership an instrument to coordinate unions' wage-policy? : the case of imperfect product markets
1996 |
42 |
Dritter Sektor, öffentliche Hand und Gemeinwirtschaft : Referat beim 2. NPO-Forschungskolloquium, 26. - 27.9.1996, Linz
1996 |
41 |
Wettbewerbs- und Strukturpolitik : theoretische Begründung und neuere Entwicklungen in Österreich und der EU
1996 |
40 |
A new approach to stochastic frontier estimation: DEA+
1996 |
39 |
Long-run monetary non-neutrality : in a model of endogenous growth
1996 |
37 |
Wage setting, unemployment and the Phillips curve
1996 |
36 |
Labour market regulation in Austria
1995 |
38 |
Austrian manufacturing firms abroad : the last 100 years
1995 |
35 |
Beschäftigungseffekte des österreichischen Osthandels : 1989 - 1994
1995 |
34 |
Arithmetische Politik und ökonomische Moral : zur Genealogie der Sozialwissenschaften in England
1995 |
33 |
Neural networks in the capital markets : an application to index forecasting
1995 |
32 |
Pigou's macroeconomics of unemployment (1933) : a simple model
1995 |
31 |
Measuring the importance of international production : the re-estimation of foreign direct investment at current values
1995 |
30 |
Data envelopment analysis in a stochastic setting : the right answer from the wrong model?
1994 |
29 |
Tax and spend or spend and tax? : an international study
1994 |
28 |
A note on frequency domain properties of estimated VARs
1994 |
27 |
Gewerkschaften in einem Cournot-Duopol : sequentielle vs. simultane Lohnverhandlungen
1994 |
26 |
Die klassische Ökonomie und die Keynessche Alternative : Revision eines Mythos?
1993 |
25 |
Comparing structural efficiency of unbalanced subsamples : a resampling adaptation of data envelopment analysis
1993 |
24 |
Scale efficiency : where data envelopment analysis outperforms stochastic production function estimation
1993 |
23 |
TVP - ein Programm zur Schätzung von Modellen mit zeitvariierenden Parametern
1993 |
22 |
Employment, productivity, output and minimum wage in Austria : a time series analysis
1993 |
21 |
Minimum wages in Austria : estimation of employment functions
1993 |
20 |
The validity issue in applied general equilibrium tax models
1993 |
19 |
A comparison of the construction industry in Europe : characteristics, governance, performance and future perspectives
1993 |
18 |
Europäische Währungsunion und Konsequenzen für die Kollektivvertragspolitik
1993 |
17 |
Outsider's response to Europe 1992 : case of Austria
1992 |
16 |
Ost-West-Migration ohne Steuerungsmöglichkeiten?
1992 |
15 |
The temporal causality between government taxes and spending
1992 |
14 |
Towards a flexible concept of competitiveness
1992 |
13 |
Will internationalization lead to a convergence of national economic policies?
1992 |
12 |
The economics of the Sabbath
1992 |
11 |
The Austrian social partnership and democracy
1991 |
10 |
Costs of negotiations and the structure of bargaining : a note
1991 |
9 |
Union wage bargaining and status
1991 |
8 |
Cost-sharing of general and specific training with depreciation of human capital
1991 |
7 |
Die Rolle der Fiskalpolitik im schwedischen Wohlfahrtstaat
1991 |
6 |
Cyclical consumption patterns and rational addiction
1991 |
5 |
A dynamic theory of conjectural variations
1991 |
4 |
Der öffentliche Sektor aus ordnungspolitischer Sicht
1991 |
3 |
International pollution control : cooperative versus non-cooperative strategies
1991 |
2 |