Search Results - Promedia Verlag

Promedia Verlag


Promedia Verlag is an Austrian publishing house established in 1983. Founded to publish "books against the grain", particularly in the field of cultural history, it has since expanded to cover politics, history and travel books. Its "Edition Spuren" brand focuses on alternative or neglected histories of Austria (such as the role of women in the resistance to the 1938 Anschluss), while the "Brennpunkt Osteuropa" series focuses on the politics and history of eastern Europe. Published authors include Johan Galtung, Edgar Morin, Alain Lipietz and Immanuel Wallerstein. Provided by Wikipedia
Refine Results

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    Buchengasse 100 : Geschichte einer Arbeiterfamilie

    Participants: Tonka, Oswalda; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

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    Feindbild Russland : Geschichte einer Dämonisierung

    Participants: Hofbauer, Hannes; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

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    Ohne Auto leben : Handbuch für den Verkehrsalltag

    Participants: Knierim, Bernhard; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Guidebook Analog

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    Freud und das Politische : Psychoanalyse, Emanzipation und Israel

    Participants: Tsuḳerman, Mosheh; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Essay collection Analog

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    Der Nahe Osten brennt : zwischen syrischem Bürgerkrieg und Weltkrieg

    Participants: Edlinger, Fritz; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Essay collection Analog

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    Etappen einer Flucht : Tagebuch einer Dolmetscherin

    Participants: Ismail, Nermin; Promedia Verlag; Hal, Simon van
    Published: [2016]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Report of adventure Analog

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    Die FPÖ : Blaupause der Neuen Rechten in Europa

    Participants: Auinger, Herbert; Promedia Verlag
    Published: [2017]
    Publisher: Promedia
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog