Search Results - Beck, Ulrich

Ulrich Beck

Ulrich Beck (15 May 1944 – 1 January 2015) was a German sociologist, and one of the most cited social scientists in the world during his lifetime. His work focused on questions of uncontrollability, ignorance and uncertainty in the modern age, and he coined the terms "risk society" and "second modernity" or "reflexive modernization". He also tried to overturn national perspectives that predominated in sociological investigations with a cosmopolitanism that acknowledges the interconnectedness of the modern world. He was a professor at the University of Munich and also held appointments at the ''Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme'' (FMSH) in Paris, and at the London School of Economics. Provided by Wikipedia
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    Was ist Globalisierung? : Irrtümer des Globalismus - Antworten auf Globalisierung

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1997
    Publisher: Suhrkamp-Verl.
    Book Analog

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    Das ganz normale Chaos der Liebe

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich; Beck-Gernsheim, Elisabeth
    Published: [1990]
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Essay collection Analog

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    Risikogesellschaft : auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1986
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

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    Gegengifte : die organisierte Unverantwortlichkeit

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1988
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Book Analog

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    Politik in der Risikogesellschaft : Essays und Analysen

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1991
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Book Analog

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    Der anthropologische Schock : Tschernobyl und die Konturen der Risikogesellschaft

    Volume 1 from: Der schwarze Kahn
    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1988
    Publisher: Ed. Anares
    Book Analog

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    Die Erfindung des Politischen : zu einer Theorie reflexiver Modernisierung

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1993
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Book Analog

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    Die feindlose Demokratie : ausgewählte Aufsätze

    Participants: Beck, Ulrich
    Published: 1995
    Publisher: Reclam
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

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    Reflexive Modernisierung : eine Kontroverse

    Volume 1705 from: Edition Suhrkamp : es
    Participants: Beck, Ulrich; Giddens, Anthony; Lash, Scott
    Published: 1996
    Publisher: Suhrkamp
    Links: Inhaltsverzeichnis
    Book Analog

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